Department of MN 2nd District

The Solid Second


"Veterans Strengthening America"


Legion Auxiliary Committees

2nd District Auxiliary Committees

First Name
Last Name
Americanism Marcia Hanson
Emergency Fund Vickie Lowrie New Ulm 132
Children & Youth Naomi Hill Brewster 464
Community Service Velma Schaal Fairmont 36
Education Cat Winter
Finance Kristy Donnelly Northrop 522
Finance Robin Olson Winnebago 82
Girls State Diane Strassburg Adrian 32
Junior Activities Cheryl Brown Sanborn 286
Leadership Jean Marti Blue Earth 89
Legislative Jean Marti Blue Earth 89
Membership Judy Ackerman Northrop 522
Memorial Rosie Wendland Lamberton 41
Memory Book Sharyn Busswitz Slayton 64
Past President Parly Darlene Breamer Minnesota Lake 287
Public Relations Darlene Breamer Minnesota Lake 287
Poppy Vickie Milbrath Okabena 608
Resolutions/Constitution Kollette Kaehlert Mankato 11
Resolutions/Constitution Lesley Christoffer Okabena 608
Resolutions/Constitution Raleen Tolzmann Minnesota Lake 287
Service To Veterans Betty Snyder
VAVS Diane Strassburg Adrian 32